Poor devs. If they make a sequel using the same format as the prequel, they get "Same old same old." If they make it with a different format, it's "Oh, no, they've changed it." Can't catch a break. All the Azada games are different from each other anyway, so I don't understand which one this should be the same as. I played it as a stand-alone and judge it on it's own merits, which are considerable. ERS is to be commended for all that they are put into this excellent game, and not many are acknowledging that. Not so long ago, we got a 4 hr standard main game and a 1 hr BC. In their last game they included collectibles for the first time. In this one, they have included everything anyone could ever ask for, again for the first time. These are not being appreciated so I am going to list them:-
You get a special pet, which you can design yourself, from a whole gamut of different creatures parts. It is not a helper, but an addition. It speaks animalese so it is translated for you. This pet will appear randomly in-game and speak one simple sentence which you simply click on to end it. I cannot see these seconds long speeches as anything negative. You collect coins throughout the game to buy clothes for it because it is feeling the cold, of which there are many unique styles and colours. It should be noted that you do not HAVE to do this if you don't want to. You can just ignore it.
There is a special book and when you encounter an exotic animal it goes into that book, with a some info about it on the other page. Again, you do not have to take any notice of this.
There are amulet parts to collect, which go into the holder next to the inventory. Once you have found them all they are used to break the spells cast by Panoptes.
You carry a magic potion with you that lights up when you have to use it and reveals hidden areas for puzzles and items.
There is a very good jump map which shows different areas in picture form, such as completed, objectives, undiscovered and incomplete and also lists the tasks that need to be done in each area.
The majority of the puzzles have a much higher level of challenge to them and are beautifully designed and great fun.
The main game is 5.30 hrs long and the BC 1.30 hrs. Another big step up from the old 4 and 1 hr lengths.
These are all things that ERS has NEVER given us before and I can imagine their disappointment when the majority of what they are getting is criticism. I appreciated these immensely and am very grateful to them for listening to us and putting so much into this excellent game. It is a far cry from their old fare.
The cut scenes are perfectly done and the voice-overs are flawless. There are not too many and not too long and all are clickable. Much as I love Elephant Games, they cannot do graphics like ERS. I put them at the top of the list for exquisite artwork. The iHOS are very good and there are just the right amount. Another aspect ERS always gets right. The story is good and well told and the music is much better - no dirges or funeral marches. The mechanics are spot on. This game veers away from the very simple and takes on a much more integrated and immersive slant, so the SG is necessary and it is very well put together. There are no demons or occult dimensions. It is a fantasy. The hint/skip buttons are super quick. If you are an arachnaphobe, there are a couple of rather hairy spiders to contend with, but only a couple.
Two minor points for improvement:- When you open the map and click a location it asks you if you are sure you want to go there. I found this unnecessary and could not see the point. The other is the very dark red on dark green in the iHOS for the list items. Difficult to see. Most devs use white and yellow for this. Much easier to read.
So, here we have a 7 hr game with all the bells and whistles, which I for one had given up expecting from ERS, and a jolly fine job they made of it all round. Thanks ERS, very much, for hearing us. You really put your all into this and it shows. Your game is terrific and I highly recommend it.
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